An unprecedented spectacle awaits attendees as NCSOFT, renowned for its iconic RPG franchise Lineage, makes a triumphant return to G-STAR after an eight-year hiatus. Breaking away from the RPG mold that has defined its success, NCSOFT is set to reveal seven new games, spanning diverse genres. The unveiling includes the adrenaline-pumping "LLL," the action-packed "Battle Crush," the immersive RPG "Throne and Liberty," the strategic "Project G," the interactive adventure "Project M," the collectible RPG "Project BSS," and the mobile puzzle game "PUZZUP AMITOI." This strategic move signifies NCSOFT's commitment to expanding its content offerings and appealing to Throne and Liberty Lucent a broader audience.
A Glimpse into Wemade's Norse Mythology and Sporting Excitement
Wemade, the main sponsor of G-STAR for two consecutive years, is set to captivate audiences with two eagerly awaited titles. "Legend of Ymir," an RPG steeped in Norse mythology, promises players a captivating journey through a rich narrative and mythological exploration. On a different note, the mobile baseball game "Fantastic 4 Baseball" injects a dose of sporting excitement into the event, making its debut at G-STAR 2023.
Netmarble's Triple Threat: Innovation in Development
Netmarble, a stalwart in the gaming industry, is gearing up to showcase its commitment to innovation with the unveiling of three games currently in development. "Demis Re:Born," "RF Online Next," and "The Seven Deadly Sins: Origin" are expected to reinforce Netmarble's position as a force to be reckoned with. With a reputation for buy TL Lucent delivering successful titles across genres, Netmarble aims to cater to a diverse audience.
Krafton's Adventure Awaits: Dark and Darker Mobile Takes Center Stage
Krafton, renowned for the global phenomenon PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS, is placing its bets on the mobile adaptation of the popular first-person dungeon escape game with "Dark and Darker Mobile." Positioned as the centerpiece of Krafton's exhibit at G-STAR, this adventure game promises to transcend traditional gaming boundaries and captivate audiences with its immersive gameplay